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Start adding and managing your recipes today. Scan them in from paper or recipe books. Copy and paste them from the internet, or just type them in. They will be accessible on any device, anywhere by you and anybody else you choose to share them with.


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The Web Recipe Manager Advantage

Save precious family recipes that have been handed down through the generations. Share them with family or friends or whomever else you choose, whether they are located next door or half way around the world.

Choose who has access to your recipes. There are so many recipe sites out there where you can save your recipes online, and share them with the world - on Web Recipe Manager, only you and those you choose to share your recipes with, will have access.

Stop having recipes all over the place some in recipe books, others written on paper, some collected from the internet - organise them in one place where you can access them anywhere, any time.

Organise your recipes your way by assigning recipe types (e.g. Entree) and categories (e.g. Chicken) that make sense to you. You can add a recipe to as many recipe types and categories as you like. Not only that but they are completely customizable without any setup. Just add recipes with whatever recipe types and categories you wish.

Web Recipe Manager allows you to enter and organize your recipes in any language you want.

Add up to 10 images a pdf and a video to each recipe

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